J. Michael Glovsky is licensed to list and sell real estate in FLORIDA, NEW YORK and COLORADO. In Miami / South Florida, he specializes in sought-after Fisher Island real estate, upscale condominiums South of Fifth (SoFI) in South Beach, and Tri-County waterfront homes from Miami to Palm Beach.
Michael trabalha em português e dá as boas-vindas aos compradores de segunda residência e investimento em Miami por meio do BrazilMiami Real Estate (BrasilMiami Imóveis), um portal de contatos, serviços e propriedades de alto padrão à venda entre o sul da Flórida e São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
With BARNES | Miami and as part of the BARNES International Realty network, JMG offers vital new real estate development projects, luxury penthouse and villa properties, international real estate consultation, and second or third homes and pieds-a-terre to discerning worldwide clientele.